Who is the best female tennis player never to win a major?
- 30 Jul 2023
Alright, folks, let's dive right into this racket! The crown of 'best female tennis player never to win a major' could arguably sit on the head of Elena Dementieva. She's like the Leonardo DiCaprio of tennis before he won his Oscar, always the bridesmaid, never the bride! With her fierce groundstrokes and speed, she was a formidable opponent, reaching the finals of the French and US Opens, but sadly, the big trophy always eluded her. So, here's a toast to Dementieva, the queen of 'so close, yet so far'!

What makes tennis exciting?
- 26 Jul 2023
As a tennis enthusiast, I find the sport thrilling for a variety of reasons. The intense one-on-one competition, the strategic gameplay, and the physical endurance required make each match a captivating spectacle. The unpredictable nature of the game, with its sudden shifts in momentum, keeps you on the edge of your seat. Add to this the elegance and precision of the player's movements and the electrifying atmosphere created by passionate fans. In a nutshell, tennis's excitement lies in its perfect blend of physical prowess, mental agility, and unpredictable drama.

How do you keep score in tennis and why is it dome that way?
- 22 Jul 2023
In tennis, the scoring system is unique and somewhat complex. Points progress from love (zero), to 15, 30, and 40, and a game is won by the first player to reach 40 with a two-point lead. This unusual system is thought to have originated from the face of a clock, with quarter-hour increments. The reason for the two-point lead rule is to provide a clear winner, avoiding any chance of a tie. It's a system that keeps matches exciting, as there's always a chance for a player to make a comeback.

Why are tennis balls furry?
- 20 Jul 2023
Ever wondered why tennis balls are furry? Well, it's not just for looks! The fuzz on the tennis balls helps them to travel through the air more predictably by manipulating the flow of air around the ball. It also contributes to their bounce and spin during a game, enhancing the overall playability. So next time you see a furry tennis ball, remember, it's all about physics and enhancing the game!